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Meet the Team

Our trainers, behaviourists & stooge dogs

The Trainers & Behaviourists

Sarah Easterbrook

Director & Head Dog Behaviour Specialist

Monday - Friday 10am - 6:30pm Saturday 10am - 5:30pm


Sarah is a fully qualified Dog Trainer and Behaviourist and she has been working with dogs for over 30 years, having started her journey at the National Animal Welfare Trust and then at The Dog’s Trust. She became fully qualified with the College of Pet Animal Studies in 2005 and is a Master Trainer with the Guild of Dog Trainers. She has also been a Professional Member of the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) for over 10 years, affiliated with Cesar Millan - The Dog Whisperer. She is highly experienced with all breeds and all issues and has carried out over 6000 behaviour sessions to date. She is also a qualified Cat & Parrot Behaviourist! Sarah is your first point of contact as she deals with all bookings and enquiries and is always happy to speak with you.

Dog & Puppy Training in Bath .jpg

The Stooge Dogs


Dave's Rottweiler

Both Khaleesi & Kai were purchased as pups and as you can see only two months apart in age. The first year was a massive challenge to avoid the famous “littermate syndrome” becoming an issue.
Both such different animals, so have needed a totally different approach with training methods. At just over four years old they have matured into well rounded dogs loving the stooge role that they now do.
That’s not to say they haven’t had issues to deal with along the way.
Khaleesi has insane drive and loved to chase, specifically livestock. She will now walk through a field of sheep off lead and is totally engaged with me and has no interest in livestock at all.
Both became parents six months ago so there are now five fantastic pups out there who will be as great as mum and dad, provided the work is put in. Relationship is everything.

Gorgeous Rottweiler in Down Stay

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Mon , Tues, Thurs, Fri -

10am - 6:30pm

Sat 10am - 5.30pm

Wed & Sun - Closed 

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